Interpreting rates

The prices shown on the website are per apartment per day.

Prices for short breaks

Stays less than 7 days carry a surcharge of 20% on the price displayed on the Web.

Data privacy

Your personal information will receive the treatment they are entitled under the law of data protection, and in no case be transferred to third parties for any sales promotion or otherwise.

Cancellation Policy

At all times you will be able to cancel your reservation, even if it occurs within three days of arrival, will be charged 25% of the total amount in respect of cancellation fees.

Special requests

Requests on floors high, low, .... and other applications are taken into consideration, but in no case warrant the granting of them.


At the entrance to accommodation are given a bond amount for which will be refunded in full on departure, unless there is any kind of damage.


The entrance to the apartments occur from 17:00. The output of the apartments is 10:00 AM.

Maximum number of occupants

The occupancy of a number of people than set out in the reserve will result in immediate expulsion without right to reimbursement, the amount of the reservation.